Superior Downey Heating Repair

Are you looking for an experienced heating contractor who will treat you respectfully? Look no further than Lambert Heating and Air Conditioning. Call today to book an appointment at 562-861-2727.

Lambert Heating and Air Conditioning has four decades of experience providing top-rated heating service for residents throughout Downey, CA, and the surrounding area. We offer a detailed home analysis to ensure you get the right system for your space and needs at a price that won’t break the bank.

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Downey Heater Repair

Some heating issues require immediate attention, while others can wait. So, how do you know when it’s prudent to call a heating contractor as soon as possible?

  • Unusual Sounds You probably don’t pay much attention to your heater; you expect it to work every time you turn it on. However, one way to judge how well your heater is operating is to listen for unusual sounds like knocking, grinding, squealing, or rattling. Some noises indicate serious issues, which, if left unchecked, can cause your system to fail.
  • Yellow Flame If you have a gas furnace, pay attention to the flame because it signifies the health of your system. The flame should burn bright blue, so if you see a yellow, orange, or purple flame, shut the heater off and call a professional for help immediately.
  • Poor Heating It goes without saying that you rely on your heater to give you warmth, so if you can’t get comfortable no matter what you do, it means there’s a problem. Sometimes, all it takes is changing the air filter to solve the problem, but it could be something more serious like a failing fan motor or pilot light.
  • Weak Airflow If the air coming from the vents isn’t as strong as it used to be, it could be a clogged air filter, blocked ducts, or a worn-out blower motor.
  • Short Cycling Short cycling is when your system powers on and off repeatedly. This compromises your comfort and puts excess wear and tear on the system. Many problems lead to short cycling, so it’s best to call a professional to determine what’s happening.

If your heater isn’t performing as expected, call the expert technicians at Lambert Heating and Air Conditioning today.

The Importance Of A Heater Tune-Up

Maybe you’re one of those people who think annual heating maintenance and tune-ups are a waste of money, or it’s something you mean to do but keep putting off. But heating tune-ups and annual care are essential, and here’s why.

  • Lower Operating Costs Routine heater tune-up keeps your system running efficiently, which keeps your energy expenses in line. A system that struggles to keep you warm can cause your energy bills to skyrocket, so it’s wise to spend a little now to save a lot later.
  • Increases System Lifespan A typical heater or furnace lasts between 20 and 25 years, but how long it lasts depends on how well-maintained it is and your usage habits. Because a heater replacement is an expensive investment, keeping your current system running for as long as possible is good to maximize your expense. Routine heating maintenance replaces worn-out parts and ensures everything is running optimally.
  • Reduces The Chance Of Breakdown Heaters and furnaces break down suddenly because of minor issues that went unnoticed for years. Routine maintenance reduces the likelihood of catastrophic system failure and expensive repair bills.

Lambert Heating and Air Conditioning has affordable heater maintenance to ensure your heater is always running at peak performance. Contact us today!

Whether you need a heater tune-up or a new furnace, call the heating pros at Lambert Heating and Air Conditioning in Downey at 562-861-2727.